Nov. 29/07 In trying to keep my web site up to date, I've decided to add a blog. I'm sure it's pretty simple, so here it is. http://garryblack.com/blog/


Nov. 27/07

It’s been a long while since I’ve updated the web site and it is really long overdue.  I was just reading my suggestions for a digital darkroom (just the name alone should give you an idea how old that tip is) it was last updated in Oct. 2001. One of my winter projects this year will be to update existing articles and to write several new ones.

Last weekend Nov. 16-18, I was a speaker at the first annual Windsor International Photography Seminar. It was a fantastic event; the presentations were inspiring and informative. The planning and organization that Don Martel and the Windsor Photo Guild did in putting this event together was just outstanding. The other speakers were James Sydney, Tony Sweet, Dianne Skinner, Hilary McNeil Smith and Don Martel. I look forward in returning to Windsor , to participate in another WIPS and to meet up with the many new friends that I made during the weekend.

In April Clancey passed away. He was 15 years old, a good long life for a dog, but far too short for us. It’s been difficult for Val and I adjusting to life without him.

On July 6th Canada Post issued a stamp with another one of my photographs. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Terra Nova National Park in Newfoundland.

I’ve been considering conducting a Hawaii Photography Workshop, the only problem is that I haven’t had the time to devote to put an itinerary together that I would be happy with. Anyone who has taken one of my previous workshops knows how much work we put into organizing these trips, so that everything runs smoothly and works out perfectly. One of the problems is that the photo opportunities in Hawaii are so diverse and plentiful. Each island has it’s own unique character, let alone the range of possibilities on each island.

In the current issue (November 2007) of Digital Photographer magazine, I’ve written a number of tips on creating impressionist photographs.

The Summer issue of Canadian Camera magazine ran an article about me for receiving the CAPA Distinguished Canadian Professional Photographers Award.


Jan. 17/07

I was a guest on the TV Show “Daytime”. It’s not the first time that I’ve been on TV, but it still seems strange to be in front of the camera rather than behind it. I talked about digital cameras and gave a few tips on how to improve your photography.


Dec 31/06

Details for the Africa trip are now posted.

There is an optional pre-trip to Cape Town and Namaqualand, South Africa; Keetmanshoop and Luderitz, Namibia.

The main tour will include; the sand dunes at Sossusvlei and wildlife in Etosha, Namibia and Botswana’s famed Okavango Delta.


Nov. 30/06

2007 Africa Workshop/Tour. Final details for this trip are still being worked out, but it will be similar to the 2003 itinerary. There will be a few changes; one of them is to add Kolmanskop and Elizabeth Bay. Which are the diamond mining ghost towns located just outside of Luderitz, a popular seaside town in Namibia.

This year I shot everything digitally, no more film. Up until this year I had been shooting mostly film with Nikon Equipment. I had a Fuji S2 Pro digital camera (uses Nikon Lenses) that I used for some shots, but the files it produced didn’t hold up well with landscape scenes, at least for publication. Although it was a good learning experience using it, getting a feel for digital capture and the workflow involved. So, in the fall of last year I decided to take the plunge and go completely digital. But I had to decide which camera to get? After many conversations with other professional photographers and reading reviews and opinions on the web (which just proved to be very confusing). The real deciding factor for me was actually looking at the files produced from the Nikon D2x and comparing them to the Canon 1Ds MKII. In short I decided to go with the Canon.

There are many advantages and disadvantages to shooting digitally. The one thing that I’ve found is that I’m sitting in front of the computer more often than being behind the camera.

Many of you have written and asked about Clancey. Well he’s nearly 15 years old now, but he has really slowed down. This summer he went camping to the North shore of Lake Superior for a month and then went to New England for 2 ½ months. He really enjoyed his summer vacation!


Oct. 26/06

Judged the RA Photo Club competition “At The Market”


July 2/06

Received CAPA Distinguished Canadian Professional Photographer award. For accomplishments in photography and service to the photographic community.


June 23/06

Website received The Award of Excellence. It was selected as one of the best educational resources on the Web by StudySphere.


April /06

Judged the Camera Club of Ottawa’s Nature Slide competition


Mar. 8/06

Presentation to Orleans Photo Club. “The Culminating Picture” The relationship between creative artistic vision and the craft of photography.


Jan. 1/06

No Workshops are planned for 2006

Many people have written or phoned and asked why there are no workshops being conducted this year.

Well it has nothing to do with any business decisions or direction that Garry is taking his career. It has everything to do with Clancey, who is Garry and Val’s dog. He's nearly 14 years old, and has to be carried up and down the stairs and is on all sorts of medication. We didn't think it would be fair to ask anyone to look after him for several weeks, as anything could happen to him during that time. Also we wouldn't want to be away from home if anything should happen to him.

As for future workshops, we’ve had a number of requests for another African trip and as well for Greece.


Nov /05

Judged the CAPA 2005 Annual Digital Competition


Nov. 20/05

I’m switching camera systems, Nikon to Canon. So I’m selling off all of my Nikon equipment, everything has to go.


Oct. 30/04

Greece Photo Tour – Fully Booked


Oct. 19/04

Details for Greece Photo Tour


Jan. 7/04

Scotland Photo Gallery – Edinburgh, Stirling, Isle of Skye, Glencoe and the Highlands.


Dec. 23/03

Posted new questions and answers to Ask Garry!


Oct. 10/03

Scotland Photo Tour - Fully Booked


Sept. 25/03

Details for Scotland Photo Tour, May 2004, Posted


Mar. 13/03

Instructional articles added to the Workshop Participant’s Web Site from the Africa Photo Tour



Photographing Wildflowers, Namaqualand, South Africa



Photographing Sand Dunes, Namib Desert, Namibia



Photographing Wildlife, Etosha and Botswana


Nov. 29/02

I have been asked quite often to recommend instructional books on photography, so I've compiled a list of books, which I feel you would benefit from.


Nov. 25/02

Redesigned and updated ASK GARRY! Pages - added additional questions and answers.


Oct. 23/02

Details for Southern Africa Photo Tour Aug-Sep/03 now available.


Oct. 8/02

Southern Africa Photo Gallery. Namaqualand - South Africa; Sossusvlei, Etosha - Namibia; Savuti, Chobe - Botswana; Victoria Falls - Zimbabwe


Sept. 22/02

Mississauga Camera Club Special Presentation - Saturday, November 9, 2002, 7pm. Mississauga Central Library Auditorium



We have just returned home from our summer shooting trip. If you are one of the 600 people that have sent me an e-mail during the past 3 months, be patient. I'll try to answer you sooner or later, but odds are it will probably be later. Our immediate task is to do the processing, editing, captioning and sending out the images from our trip to Masterfile.

We will also be finalizing the details for next year's trip to Africa.

On September 10th, Canada Post issued a stamp with 4 of my images. The images are of the same maple tree taken during the 4 seasons.


May 2/02

Tahiti - French Polynesia Photo Gallery


Apr. 22/02

Workshop Participants Web Pages for Prince Edward Island Workshop - This Workshop is Fully Booked


Apr. 22/02

Links Page Updated


Apr. 17/02

Articles added to the Workshop Participants Web Site:

Carrying Film & Camera Equipment on planes

Seeing with your camera

Composition - Line, Shape, Patterns, Form and Texture

Composition - Tones and Colour

"Rule of Thirds" You should know about it, but don't them "rule" you!

Five Minute Photography Course

Tips for shooting Fall Color

Picture Design - illustrated examples


Jan. 31/02

Workshop page updated. Prince Edward Island workshop June 16-23/02. South Africa and Namibia September 2003


Dec. 8/01

Workshop page updated - 2002 workshops to be announced in Jan/02


Dec. 7/01

Richard Smith's images added to New Hampshire Workshop Gallery.



Filters, originally this article had been on the Workshop Participants Web Site. I've received so many questions in ASK GARRY about filters I thought by posting this to the main site it would help to answer some of them.



Bill Young's images added to New Hampshire Workshop Gallery.



Danielle Bridgett's images added to New Hampshire Workshop Gallery.


Nov. 8/01

Lillian Toohey's images added to New Hampshire Workshop Gallery.


Nov. 8/01

Stan Pappius' images added to New Hampshire Workshop Gallery.


Nov. 1/01

Edgar Evan's images added to New Hampshire Workshop Gallery.


Nov. 1/01

Limiting questions for ASK GARRY only to past workshop participants.


Oct. 31/01

Instructional Notes for New Hampshire Fall Workshop added to Workshop Participants Web Site.


Oct. 25/01

New Hampshire Workshop Participants' Gallery.


Oct. 25/01

Added - Updates and What's New Page (This Page).