Last week I posted two comparison photo sets (below) on my Facebook page and asked, Photograph or Painterly – What’s your Preference?
Asking a group of photographers what their preference is probably isn’t the most scientific way to go about getting an honest opinion, but surprising enough, there were quite a few that did admit to liking the painting image more. But it depended on the image. For the first set, the blue domed church in Santorini, almost everyone preferred the photograph. The general opinion was that find the detail in the roof was too blown out in the painting.
For the second set, the harbour scene in Mykonos, the decision was much tougher for everyone. The decision was split between liking both the photo and the painting. With the final result being slightly in favour of the painting.
What this test did was to confirm that photographers, like everyone else (normal people), are open to different interpretations of visual art.
What’s your Preference?