Last month, something happened to this blog site while I was away in Scotland….it totally disappeared. Thanks to everyone who got in touch with me to let me know that something was desperately wrong. There was some weird message about a missing wp-config.php file. I honestly had no idea what happened to it or more importantly even how to fix it. I posted a call for “HELP” on my Facebook page and within hours I had several offers of help and advice on how to get everything back up and running. The good news was that it was going to be an easy fix, I just needed the database name, database username and database password all of which were back in Ottawa. So while I had intended to post some photos from the workshop in Scotland and also some from my assignment in England, it just wasn’t possible. I’ll make up for that with the next several posts!!!
Looking forward to seeing your images from this trip!
If you need any other help, I’d be glad to give you some advice and help. Do you know what happened to the original wp-config.php file?
Stephen – Thanks for the offer…might just take you up on it sometime.
I think what happened was that when I was in Scotland I was going to upload a photo, there was the typical notice that “WordPress version3.4.2 is available! Please update now.” And you know how it always says to back-up your site …well I didn’t. That was my mistake.