Questions and Comments

The last few blog entries have generated quite a few email questions and comments from readers. I’m not sure why there are so many, I’ve always received questions but lately there seems to be considerably more. I think that it may have something to do with the popularity of digital cameras. It seems as though almost everyone now has one and for a lot of these people, photography has become a passion, and that passion has driven them to learn as much about photography as possible.

The most common and probably the one question that I have been asked the most over the years is about stock photography. What is it? Do you make enough to earn a living? Can I make money doing it? And how can I join a stock agency? Which stock agency should I join? What about Rights Managed, Royalty Free and Microstock?

There has also been questions about equipment. Why did I switch from Nikon to Canon a couple of years ago? Would I have made the switch today or stayed with Nikon? What photo gear do I have now? There are questions about travelling and photographing internationally and here at home camping in our 5th wheel RV.

There have been questions and comments on other subjects too. Over the coming weeks I hope to be able to post answers to all of these questions.

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